Sunday, July 30, 2023
My last feat of Tour de Fleece this year is to finally get my first sweater-quantity of merino-chiengora yarn done!
There was a little preview of my carding process for this yarn posted previously, but basically this yarn is approximately 50 percent merino from my first raw fleece and 50 percent Samoyed fur brushings. I've done a sample of this yarn previously, but as a 2-ply to give as a gift.
This time around, I ended up with a three ply to get the bulky-weight yarn I'll need for My Favourite Things Cardigan No. 6. Dog yarn is so warm, that a lace cardigan really seems the best route.
I ended up with about 633 yards of bulky yarn, for my 19th batch of handspun yarn (skeins 41-46)!
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