Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Apologies for the stale blog content as of late. I've apparently been out of the country for 3 weeks, for work. In Australia!!!! The first two weeks of the research workshop were perfectly timed with Adelaide, SA's busiest times during Clipsal car racing, the Adelaide Fringe Festival, Womadelaide World Music Festival, and the Public Holidays Horse Race. And then after work, I hopped around a bit with my family who came to visit. We went to Sydney, and then my mother and sister and I went to New Zealand's north island.
But that's all to come!
First, Adelaide! A lovely South Australian town with beautiful, accessible beaches, great restaurants, and lovely navigable streets! 'Seems like an absolutely fantastic place to live, if it weren't so far from home! I spent the bulk of my time within the confines of the university, but in the evenings and weekends I got out!

Lucky lady! Weather looks beautiful there too
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