Success! Small Batch Vanilla Strawberry Jam

Friday, August 1, 2014

Small Batch Strawberry Vanilla Jam

Small Batch Strawberry Vanilla Jam from 'Food in Jars'. Put it in your yogurt. Bam! Done.

Anyways, I think I reduced the jam too much, as this stuff is firm. Even without pectin! 'Live and learn.

Maple Granola, Greek Yogurt, and Homemade Strawberry Jam = Breakfast of Champions
Small Batch Strawberry Vanilla Jam

[Verdict: This stuff is AMAZING. A little firm, yes, but the flavor is absolutely to die for.]


My Garden Diaries said...

This is amazing! Strawberry vanilla I can so does that sound delicious and it looks so yummy with yogurt!! Happy weekend to you! Nicole