Sunday, December 7, 2014

Well. It's been seven years of hosting an annual dinner party for my graduate cohort, and our numbers are beginning to dwindle. We've lost half our class to graduation, which is sad, but it turns out to be easier to cook for 6 people, rather than 13. Next year, there may not be a dinner party, and quite certainly not one in Pittsburgh, because we should all be graduated and moved on by December 2015. So it is both a happy and a sad event. But here we are.
We stuffed our bellies anyways.
The menu included: a relish tray with raisin walnut bread from Allegro Hearth, preserved oven roasted peach butter and pickled zucchini with lime and cumin, dates, and clementines. Lasagna-style baked ziti and roasted brussels sprouts and green beans as entrees. Dessert included a lovely sweet potato pie and soft glazed gingerbread. To drink, there was eggnog, of course! I'll be doing separate posts on the ziti, gingerbread, and sweet potato pie later. They were all fantastic recipes.

How kind of you to host and the food looks DELISH
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