Sunday, April 7, 2019

I suppose you could follow ABeautifulMess' DIY Custom Framing—No Power Tools Required! tutorial, but J used a miter saw to cut down some trim, and then a circular saw to cut a rabbet out of the trim. A few small slivers of hardwood screwed into the frame hold the painted board into the frame. It looks complete now! Like it might even be able to hang with the rest of the great-grandpa paintings!

Oh, the peeling ceiling paint, so chic! So...ubiquitous!
For framing the LOVE canvas (which I painted by hand a long time ago, for my first apartment), you could probably follow the ABM tutorial again, or maybe some version of Angela Rose Home's DIY Large Wall Art and Floating Frame - although this frame isn't a floating frame. Power tools probably not 100% necessary, but they do make it easier. Wood glue, however, is 100% necessary.

Sweet, sweet radiator exhaust stains.
Making our own frames would have saved us a ton of money - nicely done!
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