Sunday, April 14, 2019
NEWSFLASH: Living.Room.Looks.So.Much.Better.With.Curtain.Rod.Plants.And.Artwork.Oh.And.Cat.
Although, we still gotta work on all the patterns. There's so much going on. Simplifying needed.

Plus new lamps, some old billy balls, lavender from the wedding, random bric-a-brac from a vintage etsy shop, a picture ledge, {ficus, aloe, burro's tail, mother-in-law's-tongue} oh my!

Plants have been acquired from local greenhouses and supermarkets, but I still miss the old Pittsburgh greenhouse of inherited plants. The burro's tail has made it, although much smaller than its California days. New England just doesn't have the warmth.

I think there's a bit too many patterns going on in here, and changing out the fleece could fix that. But this is just fine for now.

We are starting to give away most of our insane greenhouse in prep for our move...but I just can't bear to get rid of every single plant. I'm curious to see transporting Christmas cactus, aloe, and zz plants goes.
It looks so bright and colourful. Pup is so big now!! Full grown yet?
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