In August, we adopted this naughty nugget, and he's been wreaking havoc with the dog ever since. Best buds within 4 hours of meeting. For a cat, he's pretty darn fearless.

They love to wrastle and rough house. The cat has finally figured out how to hide from the dog when he doesn't want to play.

They don't snuggle too often, but when they do it's the cutest thing.

From the beginning he's been adventure cat. Greeting the plumber at the door. Trying to get outside. Chasing
the older cat up and down the stairs. We've installed selective cat doors that keep Mr. Mischief here on the first floor.

So chill with adventure, we can even take him outside in his little cat backpack.

Yeah, super chill for a cat. Now how much longer do we need to keep the
house cat proofed? Motion sensor alarms on every table/counter surface. Cookie sheets pans balanced and ready to tip over. Carpets rolled up. He's asleep 80% of the day. But in that 20% he's into all sorts of mayhem.

That bell around his neck is so we know where to find him. The first several weeks at home, he managed to jump over every barrier attempting to keep him in the office (so the older cat could adjust). No fence can keep him in. Especially not now that he's many months older.
The cat backpack is killing me!
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