Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The first weekend of May we headed to Atlantic City for a surprise party for my dad. A body full of ocean air is a dizzyingly refreshing feeling, if only temporary. Even our brief stop at one of the decrepit C & O Canal Locks was a pleasant breath of renewed air. A weekend away from all the stress and hell of real life is a nice reminder that contentedness still exists. We even had a rainbow.
When I think of the Jersey Shore, I don't think of MTV or clubbing. I think of my uncle as a lifeguard, and Shirley Temples as he bartended. I think of spending entire days cooling off in the ocean, then warming up playing in the sand. I think of driving there after senior prom, and Wildwood after we graduated. I think of the weekend's birthday boat ride around the Back Bay and bird watching with my dad. There's not a lot of room for Gym Tanning Laundry when one's head is so full of sentimentality. We drove 6 hours to Atlantic City and I surprised myself at my ability to let go, or at least to temporarily shove all the negativity aside to fit in some childhood memories experienced through rose-colored glasses.

It looks like you had beautiful weather as well - hopefully it was warm enough to splash about on the beach a bit
I grew up near AC, and I'm guessing you did too? What a small world. Glad you had a good time. I haven't been there in a year and it was rainy when I was there.
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