Sunday, July 22, 2018
Anyways, this is what the apartment looked like before we moved [again]. We're up to apartment number 4. I apparently greatly enjoy documenting the variety of residences we end up in, so here's also: Pittsburgh 1, Pittsburgh 2, California 3, all the bedrooms, and apartment-label posts around on the blog.
Hopefully, the last move.
This place isn't fancy. I didn't spend months planning out the decor like I usually do. In the exhaustion and stress of another cross country road trip, majorly taking a huge career step with a new job, J revving up for his 2-month hiking trip, our belongings appearing 1 entire month late, and me having to spend an entire additional month unpacking it all by myself, I just couldn't get excited. So. This place is functional and a bit messy, but that's just life right now.

Living Room





Geezus, all that moving is enough to drive anyone wild. Hopefully y'all settle down. It looks like your new place has a ton of storage
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