How To: Felt Vegetables

Sunday, July 25, 2021

The DIY Felt Vegetable Collection (Asparagus is missing)

Making felt vegetables is not an entirely new concept around here. 6 years ago, I made some partially convincing felt asparagus. But now, here's an entire collection!

Over the next week or two, I'll be posting my patterns and instructions for making each of the above felt vegetables shown, and updating the list at the bottom of this post.

Before we begin, one useful thing to note: I've found that felt vegetable patterns can be broken into three approximate approaches:

  1. "The Cone" (i.e., carrots & radishes, among others)
  2. Multi-leaved, multi-dimensional (i.e., eggplants, tomatoes, etc.)
  3. Other (i.e., peas, asparagus, chard)
Felt vegetable patterns that share an approach are pretty darn similar. The size/quantity of felt pieces you cut may be different, but you can generally follow the same instructions for each within the same approach.
The DIY Felt Vegetable Collection (Asparagus is missing)

Felt Vegetable Pattern Collection


rainmelon said...

This is the best thing -- eagerly awaiting the Pixel and felt vegetable photoshoot =).